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Participant Information and Consent

You are being invited to participate in the evaluation study Understanding the Impact of Service Children’s Transitions in Education. This evaluation is funded by the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust and is being conducted by the Westminster Centre for Research in Veterans, University of Chester.

This questionnaire is part of that process and will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

For further information please refer to your participant information sheet which can be viewed here.

Thank you for taking part.
I consent to be a participant in this survey and to provide the personal data collected for the purposes set out below:  
All boxes must be ticked
Demographic Information and Service Life
What is the first part of your postcode?
For example CH1
What is your date of birth?
Please enter here the date you were born in format MM/DD/YYYY or use the calendar to select
What is your gender? 
Please select the relevant option for the gender you identify with. If neither option applies please select 'Other' and provide the information in the space given.
How would you describe your ethnicity?
Please select the ethnic background you most closely identify with. If none of the options are relevant to you, please select 'Other' and provide the information in the space given.
Are you or your spouse/partner currently serving in the British Armed Forces?
Please select one option below
Which branch of the Armed Forces does/did you or your partner serve in?
What rank is the service person?  
Please select the nearest that matches the rank, or select 'Other' and provide the information in the space given. If RN/RAF please select the army equivalent - see information sheet for more details here
What was the service persons rank when they left?  
Please select the nearest that matches your rank, or select 'Other' and provide the information in the space given. If RN/RAF please select the army equivalent - see information sheet for more details here
Are you currently employed
What is your current job role?
Do you move as part of a whole unit or individually? (Please tick all which apply)
Did you move as part of a whole unit or individually? (Please tick all which apply)
Please state if you are currently living as a family or if you are living unaccompanied
How many children do you have?

What are their ages? 
Please state the age of each of your children e.g. 5,11,17
How many of your children are currently in full time education (primary, secondary or other)?
Please state in the box below
Please state what stage of education your children are currently at. 
Please state what stage of education your children were at when you left service. 
Please state where your children have attended school? 
Please select all that apply for the duration of education prior to end of service
Do any of your children attend a boarding school?
Applying for School Places
Have any of your children had to move schools during the school year?
This means a move at a time that is not at the start of the school year e.g. September
Overall, how many schools has your child(ren) attended?
If your children have had to move to a new school, what were the main reasons for moving school?
If any of your children attend/attended a boarding school please state the main reasons for this choice.
Have you ever experienced not being allocated your first-choice preference of school place?
What was the reason for this?
Did you appeal this decision? 
Have you ever experienced any difficulties when applying for a new school place?
Please indicate what difficulties you experienced.
Please tick all that apply
When you applied for your current school place/places, did you use your home address or your unit address? 
Do you feel that service children should be prioritised when applying for school places?
Social and Emotional Wellbeing
Do any of your children have a special educational need or disability (SEND)? 
If you would like to provide any further information please do so here:
Please indicate how you feel about the following statements:  
If you are a veteran family, please answer based on your most recent experience
Do/did any of your children attend school activities for service children?
Please indicate how you feel about the following statement: 
If you are a veteran family, please answer based on your most recent experience
Educational experiences
Thinking about your children's educational experiences, on a scale of 0-10 with 0 being very negatively and 10 being very positively, how do you feel mobility affects your child(ren)?
Thinking about your children's educational experiences, please list 3 challenges you have encountered.
Please list 3 benefits to service children making transitions in education.
Improvements to Service Children's Education
What do you think can be done to improve service children’s educational experiences? Please list 3 points.
Thank you for completing this survey. If you would be interested in contributing to this research further, please state if you would like to take part in a one-to-one interview.
Please provide your email address here: 
Thank you for participating in this survey. 
To find out more about our team at the Westminster Centre for Research in Veterans please visit our website Westminster Centre For Research in Veterans, University of Chester 

If you require any additional information regarding this project, please contact: 
Dr Gemma Carr